Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Serious Business

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Subject: Serious Business
From: "Mr. Wei Jianguo" <privateaddress@yahoo.com.hk>
Reply-To: mr.wei_jianguo@yahoo.com.hk
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Good Day,

My name is Mr. Wei Jianguo and I have a business proposal involving a sum
amount of base 9,000,000.00 {Nine Million B.Pounds Sterling.Kindly reply
me with this email address (mr.wei_jianguo@yahoo.com.hk) stating your
interest and I shall furnish you with the details and necessary procedure
with which to make the transfer progress.

I am anxiously awaiting your response through my confidential email address:

Warm Regards,

Mr. Wei Jianguo

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